Print the summary of a tournament of model comparisons

# S3 method for tournament
summary(object, ...)



an object of class "tournament"


not used in this function

See also

tournament to run a discharge rating curve tournament and plot.tournament for visualizing the mode comparison


# \donttest{
t_obj <- tournament(Q~W,krokfors,num_cores=2)
#> Running tournament:
#> 25% - gplm finished
#> 50% - gplm0 finished
#> 75% - plm finished
#> 100% - plm0 finished
#>   round game model      lppd eff_num_param      WAIC Delta_WAIC winner
#> 1     1    1  gplm  6.320704      6.877144  1.112881  0.5028515  FALSE
#> 2     1    1 gplm0  5.884914      6.692781  1.615733         NA   TRUE
#> 3     1    2   plm -8.903540      4.249257 26.305595 -0.3185198  FALSE
#> 4     1    2  plm0 -8.873488      4.120050 25.987075         NA   TRUE
#> 5     2    3 gplm0  5.884914      6.692781  1.615733 24.3713421   TRUE
#> 6     2    3  plm0 -8.873488      4.120050 25.987075         NA  FALSE
# }